Becoming healthy role models for their children
14 April 2019
Healthy Youngsters, Healthy Dads is helping to provide fathers with the knowledge, parenting skills and motivation to improve their health and become healthy role models for their children.
The most important lifestage
Lifelong habits are formed in the first five years, so it’s a vital stage to encourage healthy living. As part of the 'Healthy Youngters, Healthy Dads' program, in partnership with The University of Newcastle, Dads and youngsters learn about eating more vegetables, water intake and the importance of reducing screen time and improving movement.
Here's how they’re learning together in regular practical sessions while forming a closer bond by having a great time.
UoN Reseach Impact
The researchers involved in the delivery of the Healthy Youngsters, Healthy Dads program have a proven track record in this field, having won major local, national and international awards for work in obesity prevention and engaging fathers. This program will support more than 200 fathers and 200 children from the Hunter Region over three years, with ongoing benefits for the entire family unit. This program will also seek to provide insights and recommendations for health practitioners and policymakers regarding engaging and promoting health in families.